Monday, December 12, 2011

Blogging Project- Section of my Tweets!

"Lion King 3d "

My first tweet was about Lion King in 3d. Many of you may ask me why I chose to tweet about Lion King 3d. Well Let's think about it for a second. The Lion King came out in 1994, this means I was only four years old. Seventeen years later, in 2011, Disney comes out with the 3d version. Talk about New Media! How awesome is that? A film that you enjoyed so much as a young child came out in 3d? And , I loved every moment of it. All the action packed scenes were great via my 3d glasses. My boyfriend and I were so in love with the effects that 3d brought to life. This has everything to do with new media, graphics , designs what have you . It was seriously an awesome , AWESOME feeling to see one of my all time favorite movies ( that came out when i was only four ) in 3d! I even Kept the glasses! If you haven't seen Lion King 3d, get it when it comes out on blu-ray.imgres.jpg

" The Death Of Steve Jobs "

The death of Steve Jobs was extremely random. Steve jobs was a great contributor to the world of media. Apple products have trancended every brand and will hopefully keep doing it because Apple is awesome. Anyway, let's go through a brief history of Apple, well how it relates to my life.
When I lived in Pennsylvania , my parents had this computer in our basement. It was this colorful apple. I never knew what it was! PC's had taken the lead in branding for a long, long time! When Apple came out of the "woodworks" just recently , it has put PC's to shame. I think the biggest advantage of Apple , is the fact that the computers dont get viruses , don't randomly freeeze and you can open mutliple tabs at once. One of the biggest criticisms about Apple is the price and to be honest, the amount of money it costs to get comupters fixed because of viruses , apples are really not that expensive. All I know is that Apple  products are great! I love love love them! And, I believe that Steve Jobs innovations have left the media world in great condition. RIP Steve jobs. After watching the quick clip in class, something that he said stuck with me. Steve Jobs said " The only have to do GREAT things, is to do what you love." I will take this quote a long with me  where I go . It is profound and so was Steve Jobs. 


*BlackBerry Coverage *

Blackberry's were the first big time smartphone. I can remember back in the day,when if you had a Blackberry you were of some type of pretige:) Now, it is funny to see how much the blackberry populartiy stage has decresed. No one has Blackberry's anymore. Now, if you have a smartphone, you either have a droid or an Iphone. People use to love Blackberrys so much that they would actually call them " Crack Berrys" because they were so addicted to them. I specifically remember asking one of my friends( who owned a Blackberry) what are you doing that is so important? She replied, " I'm checking my email!"...I was like " Are you kidding me? Why are you checking your email on your phone? Can you even see the screen isnt that what your computer is for ? " I was sincerely confused and had no idea what she was talking about. My boyfriend has a blackberry and I don't understand how he even uses that thing. I play with it sometimes and the keys are so small! You can barely do anything on them! I am so glad that they came out with bigger smartphones with a wider computer keyboard. This brings us to my next tweeting topic " smartphones in general ".


" Smartphones in General" 

Many of my tweets this semester had to do with smartphones. i remember when my parents bought my first cell phone. Well, actually they bought my brother and I a cell phone. We had to share it. I was 15 years old. I received my own personal cell phone when I was 16 years old. I believe that back in the day they only thing that my cell phone ( or anyone elses cell phone  for that matter) could do was call. I don't even think text messaging was around( maybe it was I just can't remember). The next big innovation was text messaging and all the kids love to text. Camera phones came out next , phones with a video recorder, phones with calculators and so much more were big on the streets as well. 

Now, can you believe smartphones? At first , I really did not care about smartphones. I thoguht they were stupid. I did not understand why someone had to check his or her email via his or her cell phone. I couldn't understand why someone had to check his or her facebook via his or her phone. It wasn't until I got a droid that I understood. It is addictive . It is easy , it is fact and efficent to have a smartphone.  For the 30 extra dollars a month, I now understand why the craze about smartphones. Smartphones have really changed new media! 


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