Monday, December 12, 2011

Blogging project-Section on topics learned from the book

My three favorite topics ( elaboration)

1)Media Convergence-Three types of convergence learned from the book. But first, what is convergence ? Convergence -  "known as the coming together of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital enviroment."(p 8)
- Technological Convergence- "refers to specifc types of media such as print, audio and vide, all converging into a digital media form. "(p. 8)
-Economic Convergence-" refers to the merging of the internet or telecommunications companies with traditional media companies such as AOL with Time Warner."(p 8)
- Cultural Convergence- " the term culture is often a loaded word, and its defintion is even harder to in down than the term convergence. The notion of culture can refer to anything from a long-standing tradition or heritage shared by a group of people to a specific professional group's particular way of seeing the world or behaving-as with, for example, the " newsroom culture".



2)Asynchronous media and synchronous media- 
S-  " Media that take place in the real time, such as live television or radio, that require the audience to be present during the broadcast or performance. "( p 19)

A- " Media that do not require the audience to assemble at a given time. Examples of asynchronous media are printed materails and recorded audio or video"( p 19)



3)Simplified Communications Model
"Developed by Wilbur Schramm in 1954 and based on the mathematical theory of communication. It includes a source, who encodes the message , or signal which is transmitted( via the media or directly via interpersonal communication) to a destination, where the receiver decodes it. "( p 23)


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